23 October, 2011

Easy Pad Thai Sauce

Pad Thai noodles are becoming very popular around the world, and can easily be made at home if you have the right ingredients. The key to good pad thai sauce is tamarind. Tamarind is a kind of tropical fruit that comes in pods. The best way to buy tamarind is as a prepared paste.  Pad Thai is the classic Thai noodle dish with sweet, tangy and complex flavors which make it a favorite throughout Thailand. With Pad Thai Sauce, we save you the time and fuss of preparing this sauce…You can buy from Asian store or easy to make it at home and especially this is pure version. ;)
  • ½ cup tamarind juice
  • ½ cup fish sauce
  • 1 cup palm sugar
  • 1 cup hot water
  1. Set the pan over medium heat.  
  2. Add fish sauce and palm sugar and simmer until mixed well.
  3. Add tamarind juice and continue stir until thick (medium thick)
  4. This sauce is flavored by tamarind juice and the taste should be sweet, sour and salty.
  5. Turn of the stove, leave it cool.  Can keep in the jar with cover and push in the freezer  1-3 months.
Note: For this ingredient can be used for the original Pad Thai and vegetarian version.