06 July, 2010

Mee Kati (Noodles with Coconut Milk)

Mee Kati (Noodles with Coconut Milk) is a Thai single dish that is recipe popularly eaten as lunch in the Central Region. Recipe made by frying a thin, white, rice noodle that has been dipped in boiling water with a thick, sweet, fragrant sauce made from coconut milk. Serve with cayenne, lemon and fresh vegetable (banana blossom, bean sprouts and garlic chives) that good taste.

  • 300 g. of Thin rice noodles
  • 100 g. of Chopped coarse pork or shrimp
  • 1 cup of Mince omelet
  • 1 piece of Split hard tofu
  • 2 cup of Coconut milk
  • 1-2 Tbsp. of Minced Shallot
  • 2 Tbsp. of Palm sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. of Fish sauce
  • 2 Tbsp. of Tamarind juice
  • 1 Tbsp. of Ketchup
  • 1 cup of White bean paste
  • 1 cup of Bean sprouts
  • Fresh vegetable, banana blossom, bean sprouts, garlic chives, Cayenne, Split lemon
How to Cook:
  • Pour the Coconut milk into pan wait boil
  • Pour shallot then smell, shite bean paste,  pork, shrimp and split hard tofu
  • Season with palm sugar fish, sauce, tamarind juice (Dip)
  • Mixture fried thin rice noodle, ketchup, half dip
Strong point of Omelette stuffed:
Cooking easy

Serve with fresh vegetable (banana blossom, bean sprouts and garlic chives) that good taste