22 July, 2010

Deep fried pork with crab meat (Hoy Jor)


Deep fried pork with crab meat wrapped in dried bean curd or “Hoy Jor” in Thai.  This recipe made from pork, shrimp and crab mixed together and wrapper in bean curd sheet and tied with string and steamed, then cut and fried before serve.  We serve this “Hoy Jor” as a appetizers or snack.  And  also used to make  offerings  to  the various  festival  traditions of Thai-Chinese.

  • 50 g Crab Meat Minced
  • 50 g Shrimps Meat Minced
  • 200 g Pork Minced With Fat
  • 20 g Chopped Spring Onion
  • 10 g Chopped Garlic
  • 10 g Coriander Root
  • 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 3 Tablespoons Wheat Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon Cassava Starch Flour
  • 1 Tablespoon White Wine
  • 1 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
  • 2 Eggs
  • 4-5 Sheets Bean Curd
  • Oil for Deep Frying
  • In a food processor, blend all three meats together, add the spring onions, garlic coriander root, black pepper, salt, flour, cassava starch, white wine, eggs and light soy together and blend some more. For this you want a fairly course mixture.
  • Soak the bean curd sheets in water for 30 seconds.
  • Lay out the sheet, spoon the pork mixture along the short side slightly in from the edge.
  • Roll up the sheet, you want the sheet several layers thick so that it doesn't break.
  • Tie pieces of string at regular lengths to form balls, you can see this in the photograph.
  • Steam for 10 minutes, remove and leave so that any water drains off.
  • Cut off the string, and cut into the balls.
  • Heat the oil to medium hot. Fry the balls until they go brown and crispy.
  • Serve With Plum Sauce, Chicken Sauce, Lettuce, Tomato