16 July, 2010

Spicy Green Mango Dip (Nam Prik Ma-Muang)

Green Mango Dip or Nam Prik Ma-Muang  one of popular Thai dish for Thai families.  Here we can find mango throughout the year.  Thais like to eat Chili Dip and we can apply various fruits for make Chili Dip such as Mango, tamarind and also some various of fish.   Today I have Green Mango and leftover vegetable than I decided to make Spicy Green Mango Dip and boiled vegetable.

  • 250 g shredded green mango
  • 5 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons shrimp paste
  • 5-10 Chili pepper (how much depend spicy you like)
  • ¼ cup fish sauce
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons palm sugar
  • Add chili paper, garlic and shrimp paste in a mortar and pound with the pestle.
  • Add the shredded mango and the remaining ingredients and pound to mixed well.
  • Taste and remove to a serving bowl and serve with boiled or fresh vegetables.
  • Eat with hot steamed rice houu…yummy…