22 January, 2009

Rose apple spicy salad (Yam Chom-Poo kab koong)

Rose apple spicy salad or "Yam Chom-Phu" in Thai. This is a very simple salad using the beautiful and delicate rose apple. To make an even more striking salad, try to find red and green rose apples to use.  

  • Mix all the ingredient together
  • Place the rose apples and prawn in a bowl
  • 5-6 rose apples or any kind of apple sliced
  • 100 g. thin slice of steamed prawn meat
  • 1 tbsp. roasted chilli paste
  • 2 tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 tbsp. ground dried shrimp
  • 2 tbsp. water
  • Mixed all the ingredient together
  • Place the rose apple and prawn in a bowl
  • Pour on the dressing and toss gently.
  • Transfer to a plate and enjoy~*