19 July, 2009

Thai Green Chili Dipping Sauce (Num prik noom)

Thai Chili Dipping Sauce Thai call “Num prik noom” Roasted green chili, garlic, onion and tomato pounded in mortar. One of the most popular and spicy dips of Northern Thailand , eaten with sticky rice, fried pork skin and fresh vegetables. (Medium Spicy and up)


  • 10 - 15 green chili peppers
  • 60 grams garlic
  • 7 - 10 red shallots
  • ¼ tsp thai shrimp paste
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 tsp fish sauce
  • fresh vegetables for serving with dipping sauce (cabbage, baby corn, string bean, cucumber, etc.)
  • Grill chili pepper, garlic and red shallots until done and aromatic, then peel off the outside skin.
  • Use mortar and prestle to crush all ingredients.
  • Season with salt and fish sauce.
  • You may add lime juice a little bit if you want.
  • Transfer to a dipping sauce bowl.
  • Serve with Fried Pork Skins and prepared fresh vegetagles (or steamed vegetables) and hot steamed rice (or sticky rice).